Hundreds and thousands of webmasters choose WordPress when it comes to managing the content for any of their clients’ websites or blogs.
The reason is simple – WordPress development is meant to make things easier than ever before. But there is a threat! WordPress is an open source platform,
and thus, each one of us has access to its source code. This is the reason why WP sites are pretty
vulnerable to get hacking attacks. But, not to worry! Here we provide you with great security tips
that can help you secure your WP blog or site.
What are those dangerous attacks?
There are many things that get compromised for your WP blog or site. For instance, SQL injections or
cloaking are major threats to such a platform. In addition to these are Clickjacking, Login braking,
password hacking, Blackhole exploit kit, etc. are also found.
Security tips to make your WP secure
Let’s start exploring how to make your WordPress site secure.
Get rid of a common name: most of the hackers attack the sites as they know that you are pretty lazy in changing the username which, by default, is ‘admin.’ Firstly, you may change the name from ‘admin’ to ‘administrator’ from the WP admin panel. You can do so by going to MySQL tool, finding the database, and going to users and then searching for ‘admin.’
Power is in the password! Stop keeping passwords that are easy to guess. You should not prefer keeping your name, your family member’s name, words in sequences (such as abcd123), your blog or website’s title, and so on. You may generate a password online that is a mix of a number, a special character, a small and a capital letter. Keep the password length longer than eight characters.
Keep up the pace: WordPress comes up with a lot of updates. Hire WordPress development company so that they maintain your website or blog professionally. They are aware of the best security tips for WordPress. You should regularly keep the platform updated.
Find an alternate: you should regularly keep the database backup. There are instances wherein the websites after getting recovered had lost all the data. Backup is the action that you will never regret.
Protecting the core: wp-config.php is the core directory and should be protected. No one else will be
capable of accessing the files unless the access of FTP and SSH is granted.
Follow these steps, and you are good to go to your blog and site. Security tips can save your data
and bring in better business as you don’t lose your crucial information.