In November month, the rollout was majorly on the production server and various bug fixed, new features added, improved user experience and code optimized in the various plugins like Meta Slider and Carousel With LightBox, Buttons With Style, Video Gallery and Player, Blog Designer plugin.
In October month, code optimized, new features added, improved user experience in the various different plugins like Album and Image Gallery plus Lightbox, Instagram Slider And Carousel Plus Widget, Meta Slider and Carousel with Lightbox and WP Testimonial with Widget.
In September month, various bug fixed, new features added, improved user experience in the various different plugins like Blog-Designer – Post and Widget, WP Blog and Widgets, WP News and Scrolling Widgets, Timeline and History Slider.
In August month, various bug fixed, new features added, improved user experience and code optimized in the various different plugins Before and After Image Slider Pro, WP Featured Content and Slider Pro, Trending/Popular Post Slider and Widget.
In July month, the rollout was majorly on the production server and various bug fixed, new features added, improved user experience and code optimized in the various plugins like Ticker Ultimate Pro, WP Logo Showcase Responsive Slider Pro, Album and Image Gallery plus Lightbox Pro.