WordPress Plugin Updates – October 2018

1.) Album and Image Gallery plus Lightbox

= 1.2.7 (01, Oct 2018) =
* [+] New – Added Templating feature. Now you can override plugin design from your current theme!!

You can see more about the above updates in the plugin itself.

2.) Instagram Slider And Carousel Plus Widget

= 1.5.3 (24, Oct 2018) =
* [+] New – Added Templating feature. Now you can override plugin design from your current theme!!
* [*] Fix – Fixed some design issue.

You can see more about the above updates in the plugin itself.

3.) Meta Slider and Carousel with Lightbox

= 1.2.4 (24, Oct 2018) =
* [*] Fix – Image title not getting the display in the popup.
= 1.2.3 (17, Oct 2018) =
* [+] New – Added Templating feature. Now you can override plugin design from your current theme!!
* [+] New – Added link functionality on image. Now you can apply links to images.
* [+] New – Display multiple gallery images. Now you can pass multiple ids with comma separated.
* [+] New – Added ‘media_size’ parameter to control over image.
* [+] New – Added ‘link’, ‘link_target’ parameters for image link.
* [*] Update – Improve some sanitizing function.
* [*] Fix – Navigation column issue when the number of columns is higher than the number of images.
* [*] Fix – Some issue with Visual Composer shortcode support.
* [*] Fix – Some typo mistake.
* [*] Tweak – Improve user experience and code optimization.

You can see more about the above updates in the plugin itself.

4.) WP Testimonial with Widget

= 1.2 (31, Oct 2018) =
* [+] New – Added Templating feature. Now you can override plugin design from your current theme!!
* [*] Resolved slider center mode issue.
* [*] Taken better care of numbers of slides when it is greater than total slide.
* [*] Used ‘wp_reset_postdata’ instead of ‘wp_reset_query’ in widget.
* [*] Added prefix to some widget HTML class to avoid conflict.
* [*] Fixed some minor issues.
* [*] Fixed some typo mistake.

You can see more about the above updates in the plugin itself.

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